Densities of fats and oils based on EN 1825-2

Densities of fats and oils based on EN 1825-2

Fats/oilsDensity at 20 °C [g/cm³]
annimal fat0,85-0,94
aniseed fat1
cow butter0,91
cocoa butter0,89-0,94
castor oil0,95-0,97
coconut oil0,92-0,93
maize oil0,92
cotton seed oil0,92
pine oil0,87-0,91
fish oil0,89-0,94
jojoba oil0,86-0,90
linseed oil0,93-0,94
marjoram oil0,89-0,91
oleic acid0,89-0,90
olive oil0,91
palmitic oil0,84
palm pulp oil0,94-0,95
palm oil0,91-0,92
peanut oil0,91-0,92
tar oil, tar0,93-0,94
poppy seed oil0,92
rape seed oil0,91-0,92
resin oil0,87-0,91
sesame oil0,92
soybean oil0,92-0,93
stearic acid0,84
sunflower oil0,92-0,93
vegetable oil0,95-0,97
wood oil0,95-0,97


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