Drain path calculator

Sewage water can be managed in the following ways:

a) for FAMILY drainage treatment plants:

  • classic drainage system
  • sand filter (vertical and horizontal)
  • hydrophytic beds
  • infiltration packages

b) for FIL D'EAU biological treatment plants:

  • classic drainage system
  • package-drainage system
  • absorbing well
  • discharge of sewage to a drainage ditch / watercourse

Calculators for selected infiltration systems based on drainage paths are presented below:

FAMILY drainage treatment plants

FIL D'EAU biological sewage treatment plants


Number of permanent residents PE

Soil category A

- soil with very good permeability, dredged stone, gravel, coarse sand

Soil category B

- good permeability, medium and fine sand, loamy sand

Soil category C

- soil with moderate permeability, sandy loam

For the correct design of the drainage system for the FAMILY household sewage treatment plant, the infiltration system should be built up based on:

metres of the drainage path
amount of gravel
minimum distanse beetwen
drainage paths

Please note – in accordance with regulations, the distance between the infiltration system and the ground water level of 1.5 m must be maintained!

Package-drainage system for FAMILY drainage treatment plants:

Number of permanent residents PE

Soil category A

- soil with very good permeability, dredged stone, gravel, coarse sand

Soil category B

- good permeability, medium and fine sand, loamy sand

Soil category C

- soil with moderate permeability, sandy loam

For the correct design of the package-drainage system for the FAMILY household sewage treatment plant, the infiltration system should be built up based on:

metres of the drainage path
package volume
number of packages of dimensions 600 x 600 x 300 mm

Please note – in accordance with regulations, the distance between the infiltration system and the ground water level of 1.5 m must be maintained!

FIL D'EAU package-drainage system for biological treatment plants:

Number of permanent residents PE

Soil category A

- soil with very good permeability, dredged stone, gravel, coarse sand

Soil category B

- good permeability, medium and fine sand, loamy sand

Soil category C

- soil with moderate permeability, sandy loam

For the correct design of the package-drainage system for the FAMILY household sewage treatment plant, the infiltration system should be built up based on:

metres of the drainage path
package volume
number of packages of dimensions 600 x 600 x 300 mm

Please note – in accordance with regulations, the distance between the infiltration system and the ground water level of 1.5 m must be maintained!


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